Contact us
Knowing where to start is the first step. Get in touch and let us help take your next step on the road of recovery.
Whether it’s dropping publicity leaflets about the charity into your local doctor’s surgery, or helping out at our fundraising events, we value the contribution made by our volunteers.
You could become a trustee, and help the charity shape its future and the lives of the individuals that it supports. No formal qualifications are necessary, but we’ll need you to bring your life-experience and a passion for wanting to change lives to the role.
If you’ve been through In the Pink, you might consider popping in to chat to current participants over a cup of coffee and sharing your story. It really makes a difference, gives them hope for the future and makes them feel more relaxed as well.
Find out more by emailing us at,uk or calling us on 0300 365 1440
Knowing where to start is the first step. Get in touch and let us help take your next step on the road of recovery.
There are lots of ways you can help us to deliver our services to those who need them most.
Learn more about In the Pink and lets answer some of your questions.
Cancer Active Recovery Support
Lavender House, 21 Pickering’s Avenue
Derbyshire. DE12 7SB
0300 365 1440
Registered Charity Number: 1201440