Contact us
Knowing where to start is the first step. Get in touch and let us help take your next step on the road of recovery.
With 55,000 cases of breast cancer diagnosed each year, research by Breast Cancer Now stated that 26% of woman diagnosed with breast cancer said that their hospital treatment ending was the hardest part.
With 33% experiencing anxiety, 45% dealing with the fear of their cancer returning, 8% having panic attacks, and 75% expressing greater isolation than prior to diagnosis. (Breast Cancer Now Research/23 September 2018). Having been forcible withdrawn from any type of normal community life and/or work for up to 2 years, returning to a new ‘normal’ brings apprehension and fear, hence returning to work and family integration can be a daunting prospect.
Worried about becoming physically limited by the effects of their experiences that have left them feeling fatigued and out of shape our participant focussed, individually designed, ‘In the Pink’ programme is designed with them in mind. It provides a gentle, staged process that begins when the survivor is six weeks post-operative, has received their surgeon’s approval to begin therapeutic exercise or later on. The programme provides an invaluable ‘steppingstone’ to integration into mainstream physical activity, re-building confidence, self-esteem, and wellbeing. Benefits include:
This unique and specialised provision not only supports rehabilitation of the affected shoulder/arm, shares coping strategies for linked medical outcomes, but also provides a safe environment away from the clinical setting to continue not only their rehabilitation but to build an external community support network. The programme is delivered by Breast Cancer Rehabilitation Specialist teachers and makes links with local community activities to continue the next step onwards into activity adherence.
As a charity it is vitally important to be able to show our participants that their hard work has improved their capabilities and this is done by establishing baseline and post programme indicators obtained through a questionnaire process. The questionnaires used include:
Results both before and after are shared with participants post programme and used in completion reports for our funders. You can view an example of a programme completion report by request.
Reintegration and adherence of everyday activity is vitally important not only in terms of confidence, and social acceptance, but for post condition management. The programme promotes positive Condition Management long term, optimising longevity and decreasing re-occurrence, supported by the charity retaining contact with each participant for the duration of 6 months, with 3- and 6-month telephone contact from the commencement of the programme delivery.
The life-force of the programme is to ensure that every woman has the ability to regain a sense of wellbeing that has been lost from diagnosis through treatment, and into recovery.
Hear and read more from past participants click here
Knowing where to start is the first step. Get in touch and let us help take your next step on the road of recovery.
There are lots of ways you can help us to deliver our services to those who need them most.
Learn more about In the Pink and lets answer some of your questions.
Cancer Active Recovery Support
Lavender House, 21 Pickering’s Avenue
Derbyshire. DE12 7SB
0300 365 1440
Registered Charity Number: 1201440